My school is organising a jogerthon today. I was given a duty to direct traffic at a site and ensure the safety of the students running past that area. Luckily a lot of students are willing to help me around. The jogerthon started around 6.40am and everyone finish running past my area around 6.50am. Then we'll allowed to go back to the school to watch who's the winner. When I reached the school gate, a prefect stopped me and said, "Principal said students must wear the jogerthon t-shirt or school shirt if want to enter the school compound". I replied, "I'm a teacher". The two prefects (my students) standing far beside him laughed at him and said, "You don't know that she's a teacher?". "How I know, both of you didn't tell me," he replied. Haha. Maybe I look like a student and still qualified to become a student there :)